Monday, January 13, 2014

Marketing with Creative Images - PicMonkey Collages

If you want unique images for your website or online store, I recommend making a photo collage at PicMonkey. I think photo collages are an excellent marketing tool.

I needed some images for my Weird Owl Vintage shop's  About page on Etsy. I wanted to use pictures I had taken of one of our booths at a local vintage store but all the images I had saved had been resized and were too small. Etsy's About page image size needs to be 760 x 428.

So I decided to just put together those too-small images into a photo collage of related items. I don't have Photoshop or any similar editing programs. I've never been able to make sense of complicated programs like that anyway. I headed to the PicMonkey photo editing website to try their collage maker.

They offer multiple template options for your collage. I used the Cards option which gave me the design you see here with 1 large image and 4 smaller ones:

It took a bit of time to put together images that fit into the collage, mainly because I had some which were just too tall to fit. But after making a couple of collages, it became easier to judge which sizes would work and which ones could be adjusted to fit and it went faster.

The Etsy About page allows for 5 images which they turn into a slide show. You can add some text to the images, too. I was very happy with how mine turned out. I am able to show prospective customers an overview of the types of vintage things I have sold in the past and what kinds of things they might find in my shop in the future.

Now I am thinking how I might use photo collages on my websites. I think they would work very well on the Home page. I'm thinking of maybe featuring a category with a photo collage. For the Men's Vintage Clothing and Accessories category, one like this would work:

Or if I want someone who is on my Home page to click through to the category for Women's Vintage Clothing and Accessories, I could use something like this image:

A website's About page is often near the top of search engine results for that website and it's frequently the landing page that folks use to enter your website. Adding a couple of photo collages to your About page gives people a quick visual overview of what you have to offer and could get them to stay and look around.

So play with PicMonkey's collage maker and see how it can help you better market your products with creative images.

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